How it works
Step 1
Set up an account with us and get 100 points
Step 2
Earn Points, Save Money
Earn points with every purchase and special actions
Step 3
Redeem Your Rewards
Spend points on rewards, including free gifts, discounts and more!
Earn points
Make a purchase
5 points per $1
Sign up to our mailing list
100 points
Refer a friend
Give a friend $8.00 off
Follow us on Instagram
25 points
Like us on Facebook
25 points
Share on Facebook
25 points
Redeem points
$10 off coupon
1000 Points
5% off coupon
350 Points
10% off coupon
700 Points
$5 off coupon
500 Points
Order discount
100 Points = $1
$15 off coupon
1500 Points.
How does our loyalty program work?
This is our “thank you” to you! Earn points for activities like referrals and purchases, and use them for discounts on future purchases. The more points you collect, the more you save.
Who can join?
Anyone can join — simply sign up now for free!
How do I earn points?
You can earn points every time you shop, and on a variety of activities. To see all the ways you can earn points, check the Earn Points section on this page.
How do I redeem my points?
Once you’re logged into your account, simply hit Rewards in main menu. From there, you can access the 'Ways to redeem' section. If you’ve earned enough points, you can redeem them for exclusive rewards.
Do points and rewards expire?
Points: Your points do not expire.
Rewards: Unused rewards will expire after 6 months.